As human beings our biggest flaw is racing through life, and forgetting to pause and realize our true purpose. The meaning of our existence is beyond ourselves; the very essence of the human soul is its ability to transcend and touch another. It is through our warmth, compassion, and heart we attain the ability to love and be loved.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Everything I ever wanted to Know About Love...
I learned from my parents...
Love is buying feminine napkins in France, on a snowy day, even though you don't speak French
Love is sitting through action movies even though you hate loud noises, blood and guts
Love is laughing and nodding at social events even though you really want to leave
Love is driving through gridlock on hot summer days, even though you have a migraine
Love is cooking a meal for your family, even though you've been working hard all day
Love is saying no I wont do it, even though you know you will
Love is walking with each other so neither has to walk alone
Love is trading the Is for an Us
Love is turning maybes into musts
Love is not dreamy or perfect
Love is not a fairy tale
Yet in love you do find "happily ever after"
It is the moment when you look back and analyze the trials and tribulations that carried you to true happiness and blessings
It is the ode of making it through the battles of life challenges
It is the faith that lead you to each other during moments of hopelessness
It is the light that guided you out of the darkest corners of yourselves
It is the inner peace that now consumes you
It is all these things and countless others
It is Love.