I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything. But things are going...I feel like I am finally starting to get into the rhythm of living out here. I feel the novelty of Korea wearing off and it's starting to feel less like a vacation and more like a temporary living situation. In fact, I have to remember that even though I am going to be here for a year I am still a visitor and I need to take pictures. Nevertheless, I still and will always miss friends, family, and my boyfriend back home. It has also hit me just this week, that wow I don't have an oven. And it just made me think of all the delicious food I used to cook using an oven. T.I.K. (This Is Korea) I can barely go on allrecipes.com because it just makes my mouth water. But what can I do? I try to make the best out of my little hot plate and rice cooker, which is pretty handy for boiling things.
Everyone keeps telling me that this is an experience I will appreciate after I experience it and I truly agree. Right now, I am going in and out of the "I hate Korea phase" and the "adjustment phase" of my culture shock. Ups and downs, if I didn't know the meaning then, I do now. However, I am really greatful for one of my co-teachers; she has gone out of her way to make things so much easier for me. The other day she took me out to dinner and a movie and I made the mistake of picking Final Destination 4, it was a tough call because nothing was really playing that I wanted to see, the other two choices were The Gamer and The Surrogates. Yeah...I honestly forgot how gory and bloody Final Destination is. I felt so awful afterwards for making her sit through it, but we joked about it and had a good laugh. We both agreed that a romantic comedy is a safe choice for the next movie. It was refreshing to have an outing with her, because I always feel a little distant from the teachers at my school. I don't know maybe it's my paranoia or maybe not, but I felt like this was an icebreaker. Plus, it's always convenient and awesome to go somewhere with a Korean and not have to play a game of charades everywhere you go because you can't speak the language.
Other than that, not much else to say...I'm almost at my two month mark which will be on Monday the 19th; two months down ten more to go!
5 Sleek and Modern Bedrooms
8 years ago