When I came here I thought it would be so many things: liberating, adventurous, exciting, and unforgettable. One thing is for sure, this experience could never be forgotten. As much as I love my time in Korea and being a teacher, my heart will always be somewhere else. I remember the assumptions people made, the different versions they created to predict what my life will be like when I get back. People love to shy away from the things they fear most with negativity. People love to doubt the most important aspects of life, particularly love and success. Many believe that to have both is unattainable. And maybe I'm an optimist or maybe I'm too young for my own good, but I always believed it was possible and that I would be blessed enough to have it.

At 18 I met my soulmate and no matter how far away from each other we are, the thought of him never leaves my mind. Since the day I left, up until now, he has always given me his unwavering support, despite the fact that me leaving was the last thing he wanted me to do. He never doubts my abilities or criticizes my shortcomings, instead he loves me and all the layers I come with. Sometimes I wonder if I do the same; I wonder if I've been there for him as much as he's been there for me. It's one thing to leave someone back at home, but what about the person that's always getting left? Have I been too selfish, trying to pursue all my wants and adventures? At what point does long-distance, make things distant. And when it happens how do you deal with it, how do you make it okay? I thought I'd never regret this decision, but today is one of those days that I'd give anything to take it back.