Lately my sleeping patterns have been off. I find myself dozing off around 7pm and waking up around 4am, twiddling my thumbs thinking of what I'll do in between 4am and 7am. So after my interrupted sleep I got up as usual, watched my CNN, had my caffeine fix and checked the weather; ugh 27 degrees Fahrenheit. I shrugged my shoulders unpacked my winter suitcase of things I thought I would no longer need and got ready for school. About an hour later I looked outside my door and saw that the whole street was covered in snow! I went back inside, switched coats, put on my earmuffs, put on my gloves, and grabbed an umbrella....so much for springtime! Other than that the day is off to a good start.
Having so much free time has got me thinking of what comes next after my time in Korea is finished. I was doing some "research" on facebook and found this; I thought it was interesting and funny reflection of the current state of our economy and the job market:

This also reminded me of another individual that was on the local news back in California because he was trying to get a job; he stood on the street corner of a busy intersection and wore a sign that said "hire me" with his website address on there as well. The news reporter said after 200 emails, a dozen phone calls, and 3 interviews he STILL has no job. It makes me wonder is it really that bad or is there just something wrong with him?
To get ahead start on the jobhunt I'm periodically applying to positions now, so hopefully by August I'll have some things set-up. My goal is to get a job without the resume t-shirt or cardboard sign.
Life is full of surprise's ie snow in May.
ReplyDeleteBut just like you went back inside to get your winter coat.Such is life ....You can not control the wind,but you can always ajust your sails.
I Think you are on the right track ,when it come to job searching.The key is to focus on your journey,other people will do what they think is good for them ,but you should do what is true to you.