Yesterday after lunch I even offered to make my co-teacher coffee, since she always makes it for me and I wanted to test out my non-drinking theory. So I put in the packet of coffee and cream and filled the cup and handed it to Ms. Che. She looked at me as if she felt both sorry and ashamed to tell me that I've added too much water, thus making her coffee undrinkable. So she dumped out the coffee and filled it to where it barely reached one fourth of the cup. Again, why? Another example, this morning I had some delicious orange tea but I took two sips of it and it was gone! Talk about cottonmouth!
It's things like that that make me laugh throughout the day. It's laughter my body needs especially "these days" which is
one of the many random English phrases Koreans love to use. My days at work have gotten very mundane and counterproductive due to my lack of teaching. I think I officially go into the classroom tomorrow, but in Korea you never know until two minutes before your class starts. I'm dying to go in and teach; I've gone a little insane sitting at my desk everyday from 8:30-4:30pm. I always used to laugh at those people who "have no lives", and have so much spare time they comment under every picture and reply to every email within 5 minutes....well I've definitely become that person. From January to March I've had so much spare time to the point where I don't even want it anymore. And to top it all off it was lightly snowing when I walked outside this morning. Anyone that knows me knows the two things that put me in the worst possible mood: hunger and cold weather. This morning I had both, well tomorrow is a new day.

You've got a cool blog and I love water! There's 5 water bottles all over my room! (of which I am very grateful for!)